Walk 1b - Pateley Bridge

Description - A 13km walk mainly through agricultural landing footpaths and tracks with a little road walking. It can be muddy and rough in sections so stout footwear is advised.

Grade - Suitable for scout age upwards with only 200 metres of climbing.

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Walk Description

FROM: Summerbridge 200623          

TO: Junction of footpaths 189634

From the sports ground cross the road and take the footpath opposite that goes around the sawmill and then follows the river upstream until a farm track is reached. Turn right along the track which soon crosses the line of the old railway line and then runs parallel to it. On entering a wood you pass a track junction and immediately reach a bungalow and some agricultural buildings which stand at the junction of the footpaths.

At this point you have a decision to make, the preferred and more interesting route goes along the river but can prove difficult if the river is in spate or there has been a lot of rain. The decision is up to you. 

Preferred Route

FROM: Junction of footpaths 189634

TO: Glasshouses: 173644

Go past the bungalow and immediately fork right across the line of the old railway. DO NOT take the track which forks slightly to the left. The track turns almost immediately into a footpath which is waymarked where is crosses the stile. The path is very narrow and meanders through the trees before turning right and dropping steeply to the river. Turn left along the river bank, the path for the next 50 yards can be difficult underfoot. The path now clings to the river bank and then crosses a stile into a field. Continue along the riverside footpath under the old railway bridge and on to Glasshouses

Alternative Route

FROM: Junction of footpaths 189634

TO: Glasshouses 173644

Take the track that forks slightly to the left through the wood, after 100 metres you come out of the wood. The path now follows the field edges all the way Harewell Hall. Keep the hedge, wall, fence on your right all the way. On reaching the farmyard turn left at the first farm building along a concrete track. Continue on this all the way to Glasshouses. 

FROM: Glasshouses  173644

TO: Pateley Bridge 157656

Turn right over the river and immediately left along the track that runs along the right of the old mill pond. Continue along the footpath all the way to Pateley Bridge. 

There are plenty of shops in Pateley Bridge to buy refreshments and if finishing the walk here it is possible to catch the bus back to Darley Mill.

FROM: Pateley Bridge 157656          

TO: Yorkes Folly 157636

Turn left over the river and continue past the showground and turn left along the minor road towards Bewerly. Go through the village passing the historic chapel and continue along the road crossing the bridge over the beck to the T-junction. Turn right along the minor road and immediately after the first bend to the left take the footpath to the right sign posted 'Nought Bank & Nidderdale Way'. The path goes straight across the middle of a field (heading to the right of he knoll with rocks on). Cross the stile and enter Shrikes Wood and continue uphill on a track through the trees. On emerging from the trees fork left and continue uphill to a stile/gate in a wall. Cross the stile and keep straight on uphill until the road is reached. Cross the road and follow the footpath signposted Guise Cliff to Yorkes Folly.

FROM: Yorkes Folly 157636                      

TO: Transmitter 171631

Continue past the Folly and almost immediately the path bears left and crosses the wall via a ladder stile. The path now turns left and follows the wall climbing slightly all the time to reach the highest point of the walk. Here the countryside changes to open moorland and care should be taken on the path you will soon reach an area of steep drops and dangerous crevasses. Crossing a stile over a fence the wall on your left finishes after about 100 metres and there is a large flat rock overlooking a vertical drop. Take care but the view from the rock is worth looking at. 

Facing out over the cliff to your far right is the Vale of York, on the opposite side of Nidderdale to the right and on the skyline is Brimham Rocks with New York village below. Opposite and on the far horizon is the North York Moors escarpment. In the wood below you lies Guise Cliff Tarn. Glasshouses and its mill pond lie in the valley bottom while to the left lies Pateley Bridge. Beyond lies Gouthwaite reservior and beyond it and high up on the hill if you look carefully you can see Middlesmoor the furthest village up the dale with its old drove road leading up over the hill behind it. Beyond the drove road on the far horizon you can see Dead Mans Hill and working left Little Whernside and finally peeping over the skyline the mile long summit of Great Whernside where the source of the river Nidd lies. After enjoying the view, continue along the footpath heading for the transmitter but watch your step rather than the view. On reaching the transmitter the path goes to the right of the buildings turns left and joins the main track. 

FROM: Transmitter 171631                                

TO: Junc. Monk Ing Rd and Lane Foot Rd 182614

Turn right along the track and continue all the way to Hayshaw. Turn left along the road and almost immediately the road swings round to the right. Take the footpath that crosses the wall on the corner signposted Dacre and Nidderdale Way. The footpath is waymarked over the fields and follows the line of an old paved way. The path goes down the left hand side of a plantation, beware it is new and may not be shown on the map. On reaching Lane Foot Barn and Cottage turn right along the track until the junction with Monk Ing Road.

The walk now rejoins walk 1 and in about half an hour you will be back at Thornthwaite with your feet up and the kettle on.