The Young Leaders Scheme
Explorer Scout Young Leaders (ESYLs) are Explorers who volunteer alongside adult leaders in a Squirrel Drey, Beaver Colony, Cub Pack or Scout Troop. They're a valuable asset to any leadership team and play an active role in the section, bringing a range of fresh ideas to the table and acting as positive role models for the young people they work alongside.
All Young Leaders in the Squirrel, Beaver, Cub and Scout section who are between the ages of 13.5 and 18 must be members of a Young Leaders Unit. Young people from outside Scouting can also participate if they're working towards their Duke of Edinburgh's Award or Queen's Guide Award.
The Young Leader Unit is administered at a District level using Online Scout Manager. For young people already in Scouting the simplest way to enrol them to the Young Leader Unit is to share their record via OSM (see below). Young people not currently in scouting should use the joining enquiry form
Information on delivering the Young Leaders Schema and supporting Young Leaders in your section can be found here along with links to downloads for the "Preparing to Lead" and "Young Leaders" log book
The short video below provides an overview of the Young Leader scheme.

Sharing OSM Records with the Unit
Groups with young people who wish to join the Young Leader unit (and who use OSM to manage their Group) should share the Young Person's record with the District Young Leader ESU Section. Groups not using OSM should conmplete the joining form. The steps below will guide you through the process of sharing OSM records with the Young Leader Unit.
Navigate to the young person's record in the 'Members -> Personal Details" section of OSM and select the young person whose record you wish to share.
From the "Manage" menu on the left-hand side of the page chose the "Share with Another Section: option, as highlighted in the screenshot below:

A window will pop up asking you to select the age range of the section you wish to share the young person with (see screenshot below). Select "Explorers". A further box will then appear into which you can type the name of the section you wish to share the young person's details with. Start typing Harrogate and Nidderdale and a list of suggested sections will appear. Choose the "Harrogate and Nidderdale ESU - Young Leaders" option and then click the "Share One Member" button in the bottom right-hand corner of the window. The young person's record will now be shared with the District Young Leader Unit, who will be informed that a member has been shared with them.

Young Leader training is broken up into Modules and Missions. More information on the modules and missions can be found on the Scout Association website.
Most modules can be completed by the Young People in their own time via e-learning. Modules K (first aid) is delivered in a face to face format and for Module A, a hybrid approach of e-learning supplemented by an in person training event is used. The face to face sessions will take place at various times throughout the year.
Participants in the District's Young Leader Scheme will be invited via Online Scout Manager to attend one of the face to face sessions.

- Module A: Prepare for take-off!
- Module B: Taking the lead
- Module C: That’s the way to do it!
- Module D: Understanding behaviour
- Module E: Game on!
- Module F: Making Scouting accessible & Inclusive
- Module G: What is a high-quality programme?
- Module H: Programme planning
- Module I: What did they say?
- Module J: Communicate it!
- Module K: First aid

- Mission 1: Game
- Mission 2: Activity
- Mission 3: Programme Planning
- Mission 4: Delivery