Learn to Lead
Explorer Scout Young Leaders are Explorers who volunteer alongside adult leaders in a Squirrel Drey, Beaver Colony, Cub Pack or Scout Troop. They’re a valuable asset to any leadership team and play an active role in the section, bringing a range of fresh ideas to the table and acting as positive role models for the young people they work alongside. All Young Leaders in the Beaver, Cub and Scout section who are between the ages of 14 and 18 must be members of a Young Leaders Unit.
The Young Leaders’ Scheme helps Explorer Scouts to develop and grow as individuals. It allows them to make a valuable contribution to their community and give service to others. The scheme also helps them fulfil the service elements of their award.

Signing up as a Young Leader
For Young people who are not currently involved in Scouting (including those who would like to volunteer as a Young Leader as part of their Duke of Edinburgh Award) then they should complete the Joining Enquiry form at the foot of this page. This will start the process of registering the young person with the District's Young Leaders Unit
For Young People who are already involved in Scouting the simplest way to join the Young Leader Unit is to have the Leader of the young person's current Scout section share their Online Scout Manager record with the "Harrogate and Nidderdale District: ESU - Young Leaders" section in OSM.
Training - What's involved
Young Leader training is broken up into Modules and Missions. The ten modules are designed to cover all aspects of training. They help Young Leaders become aware of, and learn how to deal with various different facets of leadership within the Scouting Movement. The modules are designed to be flexible and encourage innovation, so be as creative as you can!
Most modules can be completed by the Young People in their own time via e-learning (see below). Modules A & K also have a small face to face component, which Young Leaders will be invited to attend once they have completed the respective online training for those modules. At the in person session for Module A young people will receive their Young Leader handbook, the Young Leader badge and woggle. The in person training for first aid will supplement the online training covering practical first aid skills such as CPR.
These face to face sessions will take place at various times throughout the year. Participants in the District's Young Leader Scheme will be invited via Online Scout Manager (the system used to manage the Young Leaders scheme in the District) to attend one of the face to face sessions.

- Module A: Prepare for take-off!
- Module B: Taking the lead
- Module C: That’s the way to do it!
- Module D: Understanding behaviour
- Module E: Game on!
- Module F: Making Scouting accessible & Inclusive
- Module G: What is a high-quality programme?
- Module H: Programme planning
- Module I: What did they say?
- Module J: Communicate it!
- Module K: First aid

- Mission 1: Game
- Mission 2: Activity
- Mission 3: Programme Planning
- Mission 4: Delivery
The links below will take you to a series of E-learning modules offered by Hampshire Scouts to help participants in the Young Leader Scheme complete their training.
Each module is delivered through a combination of recorded webinar, that can be viewed on-demand, and a series of activities to be completed in your own time. At the end of each module you will complete a quiz and earn a certificate as evidence that you have completed the module. Certificates should be uploaded to OSM to validate your training (see the section on validating training for instructions on how to upload your certificate).
Follow the links below to access the E-learning modules (requires signup - which is free).

Module A - Prepare for take off (also requires face-to-face session)
Accessing module completion certificates
Having completed a training module you can access the completion certificate from the "My Account" section of the E-learning platform. Click the person icon in the top right of the page and select the "My Account" option.

From the My Account page choose "Certificates" from the menu on the left-hand side of the page. A list of completed courses will be displayed. Click the link "View" to display/download your certificate.

Validating Young Leader Training
As you complete the E-learning modules you will earn certificates. To validate your training these certificates should be uploaded to OSM. The steps below will guide you through the process of doing this.
Sign in to OSM
Visit https://www.onlinescoutmanager.co.uk and login to access your Young Person's OSM record.

Navigate to the Badges area
Click the badges link in the left-hand menu to access the badges area of the parent portal

and then click the Young Leader Modules badge.

A box will pop up showing the current progress on the badge. Click the "Complete at Home" button.

Upload the certificate
After clicking the "Complete at Home" button the upload page will be displayed. To upload your certificate click the "Select Files" button and choose the certificate PDF that was downloaded from the E-learning platform.

After selecting the file to upload you may be asked if you want to share the file. Ignore this and just click the "Save" button, A thumbnail of the file will now appear. To assign the uploaded file, tick the relevant module (e.g. "Take Off, Leading, That's the way etc). After clicking the tick box next to the module name a green tick will appear indicating that the uploaded file has been assigned to the select module.

A message will now be sent to the Young Leader admin team and they will check the evidence and validate that the module has been completed, this will then show in OSM as completed.
What Next?
Having completed Explorer Scout Young Leader training there are a number of options open to young people. More information can be found on the Scout Association's what is available beyond the Young Scheme Leader Scheme pages.
Regardless of the route young people take after the Young Leader Scheme, they should remember it will have equipped them with skills that will help them in the future careers, whether that be applying for further education, apprenticeships or jobs. More information on Scouts and Employability can be found here.
Become a young leader
If you are not currently in Scouting and wish to become a young leader, please fill in the information below and we will contain you with more information.