
District Board of Trustees

The District Board of Trustees supports the District Commissioner in the management of provision across Harrogate and Nidderdale in line with our Policy, Organisation and Rules. It also provides governance over the Harrogate and Nidderdale Scout Council charitable entity, as well as the assets of the charity. The Board is formed at the Annual General Meeting of the District Scout Council each year. It is responsible for constituting sub-Committees, as necessary to support it’s work.

Executive Committee

Jean Laight
District Chair
Shane Delaney
District Treasurer
Claire Lowcock
District Secretary

Ex Officio Members

Karsten Hartman
District Lead Volunteer
Henry McBratney
District Youth Lead
James Porter
District 14-24 Lead

Nominated Members

Jill Connors
Rachel Capstick
Bryan Wilson

Elected Members

Luke Harrison
Imogen Sinclair
Simon Rollinson

Annual Reports